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Oleh Alex Campbell - BORDA Cambodia
We are not alone! Bahkan semakin meningkat jumlah publik yang semakin sadar dan berpartisipasi aktif dalam menyerukan gerakan lingkungan ini khususnya di bidang air yang menyangkut air bersih dan air kotor. Teman kita Alex Campbell yang pernah beberapa tahun tinggal di Jogja dan kemudian dipercayakan oleh BORDA sebagai Project Coordinator untuk Cambodia berbagi cerita ceria keikutsertaan BORDA Cambodia dalam memperingati Hari Air Dunia 2011 di sebuah sekolah tingkat SD di salah satu sudut ibukota Cambodia yang telah memanfaatkan fasilitas pengolahan toilet tingkat sekolah yang disebut School Base Sanitation (SBS).
Selamat membaca,
World Water Day in Cambodia
Perilaku yang baik terhadap alam dimulai sejak dini |
In 1993, the United Nations General Assembly designated March 22 International World Water Day. Each year on March 22 the day is used as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.
The objective of World Water Day 2011 was to focus international attention on the impact of rapid urban population growth, industrialization and uncertainties caused by climate change, conflicts and natural disasters on urban water systems.
This year theme, Water for cities: responding to the urban challenge, aimed to spotlight and encourage governments, organizations, communities, and individuals to actively engage in addressing the challenges of urban water management.
In Cambodia, the day was celebrated at Chroy Chang Va primary school, the site of the first School Based Sanitation project implemented by BORDA-Cambodia and CfD, and funded by Unicef/MRD, OAV and BORDA. The main aim of the project was to improve health, hygiene and sanitation at the school by developing an innovative intervention approach which integrated both social and technical aspects to:
- Build School WASH Institutions
- Promote Health & Hygiene Education
- Improve Sanitation Infrastructure including on-site wastewater treatment and good O&M.
sample air buangan yang aman dialirkan ke badan air |
The event was opened by Monks from the local temple blessing the special day and was attended by 25 guests from UNRC, UNICEF, UN Habitat, the Office of the Council of Ministers, MIME, MRD, PPWSA, Phnom Penh PDRD, BORDA, CfD, Rainwater Cambodia, the World Toilet Organization, local media and 37 teachers and approximately 400 primary school children.
Speakers included Ms. Ou Siny, Chroy Chang Va Primary School Teacher and Member of the School WASH Committee, H.E. Man Chhoeun, Deputy Chairman of National Committee for Population and Development, the Office of the Council of Ministers, Mr. Douglas Broderick, UN Resident Coordinator, and H.E. Phouk Sovannarith, Secretary of State of MIME (Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy).
The event ended with a tour for all the guests of the improved sanitation facilities, including the Decentralized Wastewater Treatment system (DEWATS) and waterless urinals.
The event was reported on in local newspapers and on local radio stations.
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